Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who said anything about showers?

As I get older, my personal job requirements are changing. They used to be things like: a 401K, a decent salary, an office. Now, it seems I look for jobs where I am not required to bathe and I do not receive large paychecks. Oh, the things you learn. Let me share with you an email chain between a friend of mine and myself:

RE: PS, what's this job business?
Macie Schreibman to Zac
4:32 PM

I know, right? Got a gig at [deleted content] magazine - should be interesting. I'm excited cause it's half-time (20 hrs/week with health insurance...score!), so I'm working 2 days in the office and the rest at home. The rest of the time I'll be's gonna be perfect. Or, I'll be really broke. Either way, I'm excited.

Zac Dillon to me
4:34 PM

That is super great. Internet hi-five! Nice to hear you can still avoid showers if you so desire.

Monday, February 14, 2011

New hobbies

There's little left to want in a world where a lady gets both a dog and a camera.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chronicles of a Quitter: Part 1

Making life choices seems like a pretty big deal, and for the most part, it is. What you do today has a direct correlation to what you'll be doing tomorrow, and there's simply no way around that. Recently, I made a rather large career choice: I quit my job. (Although whenever I say this to prospective employers I use the word "resigned," you know, so they think I'm a professional quitter.)

Since then, I've been applying to jobs, going on interviews, taking photographs, hitting up all of SF's finest iconic spots and watching all of my favorite movies. Along the way, I've also got some really great rejection letters. I won't bore you with all of them; however, here are a couple of snippets that made me smile.

I've never been told I have sleuthing abilities before.
"Your enthusiasm and sleuthing abilities are impressive. Unfortunately, your timing was a little off: I’m afraid we’ve decided to hire someone else for the position."

So, you're happy with your choice?
"You all made it very difficult for us to narrow down the field to just one person. At this time, we have filled the position. However, it is very likely that we will be hiring an additional Social Media Blogger in 30 days."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Gchat Realizations: Part 3

Who knew true love could be discovered over Gchat?

me: my brain is mush
Sent at 4:12 PM

Eric: my brain is tired

me: ugh...terrible

Eric: but my brain loves your brain

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sweet, Sweet Stunners

As you can see, these stunners not only look super hip, but they also made their way all the way to Hawaii and back—and they were even joined by a few hats. Besides the fact that I love these stunners, they are much better because they were free! Yes, it’s true, I am back in the good graces of my SOTM club…and they are wholly forgiven. Stun on!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Sometimes I think I am really cool. When this happens, I usually take a picture of myself in the driver side mirror. In this case, I am also showing off my stunners, which obviously makes me cooler than usual.

Now I know that I've missed a few months of my stunner posts...but here's the thing: SOTM has been pissing me off. What happened you ask? Well, I got a pair of really ugly glasses called The Butterflies (trust me, they're NOT cool), then I got a pair of hideous glasses, then the next month, I got the SAME pair of hideous glasses! Anyway, I got mad and refused to wear them.

So, here I am now. Back to loving my stunners and living life. Thought I needed to share.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Peeing in the park

There are a few things that happen in San Francisco that would never happen anywhere else. I.E. naked bike rides, B2B (see previous post) and public peeing. Now, I know that public peeing happens in other cities as well because I have done it. (Ahem, PB Block Party 2006 and every 4th of July spent on the beach.) BUT my point here is that peeing in bushes in San Francisco is a conclusion I come to way quicker now—it’s not a last ditch effort to keep my clothes dry.

Case in point, a couple of weekends ago Eric and I were at Ocean Beach on Saturday and Dolores Park on Sunday. Although we were at two different places, we did basically the same thing for two days (hint: it involved a cooler and our campfire chairs), and it was fantastic. My point here, however, is that I’ve lost any sense of lady-like action at these public places. Here’s how it went down:

Saturday. At the beach. A few beers down the hatch and Eric goes to use the restroom. He comes back and I realize I also have to go.
My first response: “Do you think I could just sit on the sand and go?”
Eric: “Yeah, probably.”
Me: “I mean, I think the water is too cold.”
** Really Macie? Cause the water is too cold? I have an idea, why don’t you try walking to the public restroom like everyone else!

Sunday. At the park. Eric and I both have to go to the restroom. As we walk toward the public restroom, we see a really long line for both men’s and women’s.
Eric: “I think there are some spots to pee over here” (as he gestures away from the public restroom)
Me: “Really? Let’s go.”
(We find a place, and I go as Eric guards me from any onlookers)
Random girl: “I have to pee, can you excuse me?”
Eric: “My girlfriend is down there right now, hang on.”
Random girl: “Awesome.”
(I come up the hill)
Random girl: “high-five!”
**Again…really? I’m really not sure what this means about me, but I think I do need to cut down on peeing in public.