Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who said anything about showers?

As I get older, my personal job requirements are changing. They used to be things like: a 401K, a decent salary, an office. Now, it seems I look for jobs where I am not required to bathe and I do not receive large paychecks. Oh, the things you learn. Let me share with you an email chain between a friend of mine and myself:

RE: PS, what's this job business?
Macie Schreibman to Zac
4:32 PM

I know, right? Got a gig at [deleted content] magazine - should be interesting. I'm excited cause it's half-time (20 hrs/week with health insurance...score!), so I'm working 2 days in the office and the rest at home. The rest of the time I'll be's gonna be perfect. Or, I'll be really broke. Either way, I'm excited.

Zac Dillon to me
4:34 PM

That is super great. Internet hi-five! Nice to hear you can still avoid showers if you so desire.

Monday, February 14, 2011

New hobbies

There's little left to want in a world where a lady gets both a dog and a camera.