Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My 2009 according to FB

A coworker showed me one of the coolest things I've seen on Facebook in a while - an application that allows you to see your status updates for the entire year, categorized by month.

What a fantastic (and hilarious) way to rehash the events of my year...

Macie Schreibman is wishing she was asleep or drunk.
is having a case of the mondays.
is ready to go home.

is drinking beers and waiting for football to begin.
is wishing she owned a seahorse.
is getting excited to see dizzle!
is ready for the weekend!
is realizing she was in a black hole for the last 3 days...
is wondering why it's not friday yet
is excited about happy hour!
is drinking wine...ahhhh
is wondering why she doesn't really know what mardi gras is.
is missing her nephew...

is loving the rainy sunday!
has come to the conclusion that soup is delicious.
is hoping her wallet is at home and not lost.
is officially pissed because someone actually stole her wallet.
is thinking the cops that just came to her house were really cute...
is up too early for a saturday.
is trying to be positive. It's harder than it seems.
is anxious for Friday!!!
is procrastinating everything. literally.
Don't think 23 minutes could go by any slower....
is feeling like a jerk

bye, bye Vancouver....hello Monterey!!!!
Giants game tonight!!
is wanting to open a bottle of wine.
is missing the beach.
is so stoked for the sunny weekend ahead!
is wondering why she's not outside on a boat.
is still laughing at "our balls are in your court" from The Office last night.
is alone in her office...thiking it's just swell.

is wondering why people in her office insist on putting their phones on speakerphone when they are on hold... are you serious?
is not sure, but I'm pretty sure I'm in a dance off....
"Wow! I can't believe you fit into those shoes!"
is wishing freelance journalists were the richest people in the world.
wants SHAZAAM to make a comeback.
is in the mood for beer and onion rings (and NOT in the mood for martinins and 9 to 5-ers)...
is sunburnt and had way too much to drink yesterday. ugh bay to breakers, you win!
can't wait for the 3-day weekend!!!!
is going to leave her bank and hide her money under her mattress. (whoops...secret's out).
Weird things that happened at work today: my CEO drank out of a real coconut, I got in an ALL CAPS e-mail fight, a dog licked my knee caps.
is back at work...and loving her sunburn!
back to work....with an awesome sunburn!

I'm kind of pissed that I got my first ticket today - damn stop one cares about you anyway.
getting ready for a day in Disneyland...tough job.
just had room service and off to Disneyland...ahhhh
back in Sausalito and the countown to Vegas begins!!! 5 days to go!
2 days til VEGAS!!!
Vegas tonight! Can't wait to see everyone!!! Is it 5:30 yet?
is back from Vegas, babes!
Wearing flip-flops at work is weird.
outta here....
Food Network has inspired me to go grocery shopping on my lunch that is what I call being a grown up!
Thanks to Tiff, I now know what it feels like to be needy...and I do not dig it.
turns out people I work with have lots of MJ jokes to throw around...don't know how I feel about that. He's dead, guys. Chill.
Turns out sort-of-expensive liquor store wine will still give you a huge headache...makes for a fabulous Friday!
Watching my boyfriend watch this love?! Cause it could just be a major procrastination technique :)
meeting deadlines is way overrated!
Countdown to San Diego: 2 days!!!

is wondering how her twin got to be so much funnier than sad.
"Yesterday was Canada Day and I celebrated it like I celebrate every Canada not knowing it's Canada Day."
Oh, San Diego...
can i please go camping now?!
Officially on vacation in 5, 4, 3, 2.........peace! Brookings, here I come!
back to work...good news is that I took a shower without my flip flops on this morning, bad news is that I wish I was still camping.
still at work which is NOT awesome. Leaving for Hawaii in the morning which IS awesome.
In Maui!!!!!!!!!!!!!
packing up to leave Maui :(
back to work...
is wondering why she doesn't take more naps in the car...that was an amazing lunch break...
Off work at noon today...I love summer hours! (It's also the only way I know it's summer cause it's freezing cold and foggy...hmmm)
Two things I learned this weekend: 1. Eric and I will break our own window if we are locked out of our apartment and 2. both of our parents will play flip cup together.
I officially forgive you, Ryan & Katie. Come back to SF now please - we have dead bird watching to do and rap names to brainstorm.
"Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money."
sitting at work with a sombrero and a fake moustache really doesn't get better than this!

Finally a Friday in San Francisco...ahhhh....
just me and my laptop at a coffee shop...can you say cliche?!
working on Sundays is torture.
Thanks to ZD, my ego just grew...
(In the rhythm of the Ting Tings song) "They call me Marcie, they call me Mayshe...that's not my name! That's not my name!"
Feeling like a sell out...What's the remedy you ask? A trip to to Vegas!
I think only taking Monday off of work was a bad choice.
The inside of my office feels like Vegas weather. It sucks.
drunk facebooking...always a good idea?
off to enjoy bottomless mimosas! love saturdays...
Can't wait to see my friends this weekend! Is it Thursday yet?!
At a good mood and still at work...something is definately wrong.
I just decided that Pandora needs to have a device that reads what time it is...there really is something wrong when it decides to play me Petey Pablo songs at 9 a.m.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh deeeeeeaaarrrrr loooorrrrrddddd............i miss my apartment....can i go home now?
I wish Bloody Mary's were acceptable at my office. I would down one like you wouldn't believe...
...and scene.

at the San Diego airport and I didn't see my friends....weird.
back in Sausalito...
turns out drinking wine gives you a very annoying headache...
...wishing my Fridays off at noon consisted of something cooler than stealing the BF's Dr. Pepper's while he's not home.
Movin on up!
Sitting at the OC airport surrounded by lots of people with their sunglasses on indoors...thinking of joining them
It's raining and I love it!!!
Officially on vacation!!!! SD here I come!!
Booked myself in a middle seat on my flight home last night and sat next to a drunk woman who poked me numerous I'm back at work and it's Monday. Later SD!
Turns out swine flu may have hit home...
$142 fine for talking on my phone while driving.... Give me a break SF
What online traffic school thinks I need to know about drinking and driving: "not only would an individual be unable to operate a motor vehicle safely, but in the long run they may be unable to function normally in society." Why did that make me laugh outloud?!
My kitchen is literally dinner impossible...

....and this is why he is my favorite author, ever. "Any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae." - Kurt Vonnegut
The singing life-size skeleton in my office is making me hate Halloween...and no one should have to hear "Super Freak" at 9 a.m.
Just got back to the office after an afternoon out on the Bay watching the Blue Angels....ahhhh
Just decided that Eric & I's Halloween costumes are no longer we're lobsters boiling in pots and I've never been so excited about a costume in my life!
Sitting in traffic and almost at the 1-hour mark for my 12-mile commute home from work. Only saving grace is Miss Toni Braxton on the radio :)
...and scene
Watching football and waiting for my cousins to arrive... Gonna be a big family slumber party tonight!
need a NOW!
Wishing I could fall asleep at my desk...pretty sure that's frowned upon though.
I just kissed my computer out of love for a man who sent me an's been a long week.
Great Sunday... On the couch drinking a mimosa :)
lots of doubt.
Taco Tuesdays are making a comeback!
Just discovered HD screensavers on our TV... Pretty much sums up how amazing the night is gonna be!
Last e-mail I got was at 11:30 am, pretty sure no one would notice if I left work right now...early happy hour?
sitting on a ball chair at work...pretty sweet.
Turns out pumpkin carving is still awesome!
Won $8 in scratchers tonight and heard this hilarious scene: Guy#1, "that's one of my biggest fears, you know, waking up as a giant doughnut." Guy#2, "and you would eat yourself?!" Guy#1, "I wouldn't even hesitate."
just another work in a lobster costume

Working by the ocean :)
Getting ready to leave the beach (the sunny one, not where I live)...happy Friday!
I miss San Diego....
Too early to listen to the Elf soundtrack? Oh well, already happening!
is at work listening to a baby crying and a dog peeing on the carpet...reality TV contract, anyone?!
It's official: the iPhone is the worst purchase I've ever suck Apple. I hate you. I also hate the GeekSquad. The end.
Only thing that could have made this beerfest Sunday any better would have been if we didn't forget the free case of beer in the back of the unmarked taxi!
Waiting for the bus next to a man kicking the trash can repeatedly... Ahhh city life
"Your favorite kind of cake can't be birthday cake, that's like saying your favorite kind of cereal is breakfast cereal."
Super Mario makes a Sat night comeback!
can't wait to leave work, not super stoked on the road trip...happy almost t-giving!

just heard someone say "you've got to choose and pick." I love when people mess up's funny.
Got out the Christmas decorations and used my gingerbread man to-go coffee mug the holidays!
Currently learning to type with gloves on...apparently a necessary skill in SF.
Going to get our Christmas tree today!!!
Across the Golden Gate before the sun came up... Off to Sac town for work!
Happy Hanukkah!!!
Broke down on a trolley in Union Square... Good news is there is a rabbi nearby!
Work Xmas party = sloppy mess. Drinking and wrapping when I got home = amazing! Side note: Ashley Wells is my hero and the other love of my life. (we won't tell Boston)
Don't think SoCal got the message that it's winter...
Finally leaving Disneyland... So tired but sooooo much fun! Definately the right way to start Christmas week!
Finally home... I love it here!
Wine tasting with my lovely best friend in Lodi!!! So fabulous!!

Later 2009, we had some good times.

1 comment:

LinzMeaux said...

I must say. I read almost all of these. and loved them. :D