Friday, May 22, 2009

Self involved

So, as it turns out I don't have time for myself. I just realized that it has been over two weeks since I was on here last. Wow. Too cool I guess.

Anyway - onto a blog. It's Friday a.k.a. the best freakin day ever. And even better this Friday because it is Memorial Day weekend....a three-day weekend, a.k.a. the best weekend ever.
But that is not what I am here to share with you.

This is: I have a raccoon as a stalker.

It all started a couple weeks ago after sushi dinner with Eric. We had intended on going to eat Pho at a restaurant on Ocean Ave but low and behold, they were closed on Tuesdays. Who would have thought. (Actually, I thought it right before we got there because things like that happen to me all the time.) Moving on....we walked instead to a sushi restaurant Holloway-style and ate soup with weird hot pink stuff in it.

We walked home and raced to the restroom and I won, so I was obviously excited about that. Turns out, not good. I sit and immediately look up to find a masked creature staring back at me. And as our tall window in the bathroom doesn't have a screen on it, naturally I screamed for help. Then, I got up and ran towards the window to close it, and just in time because the raccoon's paw was just reaching towards our windowsill. No good.

By the time Eric arrived, I had closed the window successfully but I really wanted him to see it. So, we opened the latch once more and there the little bastard sat. On the neighbor's roof just peering in at me. He (or she?) eventually got scared and scurried over the rooftop....

Now at present day: On Tuesday night we came home from doing the laundry and, again, immediately into the restroom. Not acknowledging my orders, Eric had left the window open again while we were out and again, the little creature was sitting there, on the roof, peering in at me. Now, I can't officially say it was the same animal but I mean, has to be. I screamed, "raccoon! ahhhh! again!" and again, Eric came to the rescue. We watched it run off.

But what sucks is that I am now afraid to walk in the bathroom if it is dusk or later. I look up and think that there is no doubt my little friend is waiting for me. And now if my back is turned to anything in the bathroom or the kitchen (for no real reason except I am sure that is what the raccoon is stalking me for), I freak out. A car drives by and I whip my head to make sure it wasn't the raccoon. Eric moves in the other room and I whip. The dish soap flys at me. Whip. Well, you get the point.

Moral of the story: raccoons are scary, mean and can be the worst stalkers of all.

Happy Memorial Day weekend!!!!

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