Friday, July 31, 2009

My Life: The Edited Version

This one goes out to my peeps (and my mom).

Over the years I have come up with several titles for my life story, which will not be an autobiography cause I just simply don't have the patience...but due to boredom I will share some with you now and what they mean...well, sort of (feel free to vote on which you like best, this is important - it's my life, after all).

- Dinner with Strangers (this mostly applies to my recent life but I really like what it implies)

- Hours on the roof (a recent addition...just seems fitting for my city years)

- Everyone is an artist (live in SF for a month and you'll understand)

- At least I keep my talent quiet (musicians are loud and bad, at least if my writing sucks it doesn't wake up my neighbors)

- Lack of imagination ('cause I suck at writing fiction)

- Are you serious? Yes, I am (was also the name of my much dreamed up comedy routine when I was a kid)

- I doubt it (I just say this a lot)

- Trying and Crying (it's simply what I do)

- Off the couch (which will be a study of how ironic my life is because most of my important moments happen on the couch)

- When did Marcie arrive? (if you don't get this, I don't know you)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Could be worse

Before I begin, I love these...

"Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money."

"I prefer an interesting vice to a virtue that bores."

"I live on good soup, not on fine words."

- Moliere

Alright, here it is. I am currently earning my salary as I sit on a couch on a balcony overlooking the ocean...wait for Maui! So, though my job may not be my dream job, I'm gonna have to say, this seems pretty damn good.

I am here in Maui staying at The Ritz Carlton for a press trip and I have some time before dinner, so I thought that I would gloat. I must admit, however, that last month I went to Disneyland on a press trip and I thought it was the worst place in the world to be alone. Traveling for work is awesome because I love to travel and even more, I love hotels; but, once the group dinners, tours and lectures are over, you are really alone. And I do not dig it. I like it for just about 30 minutes and then all I want to do is share it with someone.

So, before I go get ready for a dinner with strangers in a beautiful place (side note: I think that is a good book title for my life: Dinner with Strangers....anyway...)- I feel the need to tell you something I have only yet admitted to Eric. About a half an hour ago as I was walking back from the beach (yay!) I saw a hammock swaying oh-so-coolly between two palm trees and I thought to myself, I must lie in that, that would be so cool. So, I did. First I took a few photos and then I set my flip flops, towel and purse to the side and (without thinking) sat on the hammock. Instead of a success in this unknown feat, I tumbled onto the ground off of the opposite side, shoulders/head first. Yeah, it happened. I didn't even look around to see if anyone had seen me and because no one laughed too loud, I think I may have come out of it without total humiliation. And this is exactly why I should not be traveling alone.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Camping is for lovers

I've just returned from the family camping trip in Brookings, Oregon and am proud to report that it is just like I remembered it. I have been on this trip with my cousins before and you know how sometimes when you go back somewhere years later it's just not as cool as you'd remembered? Well, not the case here. Brookings is freakin' awesome. Though we all had fun, it turns out there may or may not have been a major curse on the trip. A few things that happened that may be considered unlucky (thankfully, pretty much all of these things happened to other people...sorry guys.)

- Sonny and Debbie's transmission blew adding an extra $3,000 to their camping bill
- It took half the crew more than 9 hours to complete the 6-hour trip to the campground
- Sonny and Debbie pulled their trailer from the truck with only duct tape holding it on
- 5 people puked over the course of 4 days (and it wasn't alcohol induced)
- Leila hit/fell on her forehead three times in a day, causing her little baby head to have a very large red mark on it (she's 1 year old)
- Ava (11 mos. old) ate rust chips voluntarily
- Michele and Eric's backyard flooded leaving them to receive the call during the trip
- Eric and I placed our tent on top of a pile of poop and we didn't realize until we packed up (Eric then almost made the puke count go up to 6)
-Our campsite happened to be right next to the trash cans for the loop, which meant 6 a.m. wake-up calls and trash bag changes...
-We may or may not have seen a dead sea lion (verdict is still out on this one)

Can't wait for next year!