Thursday, July 16, 2009

Could be worse

Before I begin, I love these...

"Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money."

"I prefer an interesting vice to a virtue that bores."

"I live on good soup, not on fine words."

- Moliere

Alright, here it is. I am currently earning my salary as I sit on a couch on a balcony overlooking the ocean...wait for Maui! So, though my job may not be my dream job, I'm gonna have to say, this seems pretty damn good.

I am here in Maui staying at The Ritz Carlton for a press trip and I have some time before dinner, so I thought that I would gloat. I must admit, however, that last month I went to Disneyland on a press trip and I thought it was the worst place in the world to be alone. Traveling for work is awesome because I love to travel and even more, I love hotels; but, once the group dinners, tours and lectures are over, you are really alone. And I do not dig it. I like it for just about 30 minutes and then all I want to do is share it with someone.

So, before I go get ready for a dinner with strangers in a beautiful place (side note: I think that is a good book title for my life: Dinner with Strangers....anyway...)- I feel the need to tell you something I have only yet admitted to Eric. About a half an hour ago as I was walking back from the beach (yay!) I saw a hammock swaying oh-so-coolly between two palm trees and I thought to myself, I must lie in that, that would be so cool. So, I did. First I took a few photos and then I set my flip flops, towel and purse to the side and (without thinking) sat on the hammock. Instead of a success in this unknown feat, I tumbled onto the ground off of the opposite side, shoulders/head first. Yeah, it happened. I didn't even look around to see if anyone had seen me and because no one laughed too loud, I think I may have come out of it without total humiliation. And this is exactly why I should not be traveling alone.

1 comment:

LinzMeaux said...

seriously. someone else SHOULD have been there to laugh at you. :) haha. miss and love you!!