Monday, July 13, 2009

Camping is for lovers

I've just returned from the family camping trip in Brookings, Oregon and am proud to report that it is just like I remembered it. I have been on this trip with my cousins before and you know how sometimes when you go back somewhere years later it's just not as cool as you'd remembered? Well, not the case here. Brookings is freakin' awesome. Though we all had fun, it turns out there may or may not have been a major curse on the trip. A few things that happened that may be considered unlucky (thankfully, pretty much all of these things happened to other people...sorry guys.)

- Sonny and Debbie's transmission blew adding an extra $3,000 to their camping bill
- It took half the crew more than 9 hours to complete the 6-hour trip to the campground
- Sonny and Debbie pulled their trailer from the truck with only duct tape holding it on
- 5 people puked over the course of 4 days (and it wasn't alcohol induced)
- Leila hit/fell on her forehead three times in a day, causing her little baby head to have a very large red mark on it (she's 1 year old)
- Ava (11 mos. old) ate rust chips voluntarily
- Michele and Eric's backyard flooded leaving them to receive the call during the trip
- Eric and I placed our tent on top of a pile of poop and we didn't realize until we packed up (Eric then almost made the puke count go up to 6)
-Our campsite happened to be right next to the trash cans for the loop, which meant 6 a.m. wake-up calls and trash bag changes...
-We may or may not have seen a dead sea lion (verdict is still out on this one)

Can't wait for next year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness!! This list is soooo funny! I could picture it all happening as I read through it. Love you Face!!