Thursday, October 22, 2009

Meant to be

Sometimes I get super pissed off that I don’t live near my really good friends anymore. Like it makes me mad. When we all lived in San Diego none of us had the same work schedule so we couldn’t like get off work and meet up for happy hour. Now, we all have the same exact schedule (well, Megz is going to school now, so not really), but we don’t even live near each other. It sucks. It is all this wasted time that we could have spent together if we lived nearby. But unfortunately Megz lives with her dog and boyfriend in Lodi and Ash is in SD….and I am, of course, in San Francisco.

However, today Ashley and I reminisced a little bit about the good ol’ days when we did live in San Diego together (and, at one time, with each other). And as I started to recall all the drunken nights and even drunker mornings, I began to feel that we don’t live near each other for a reason. I mean, it’s appropriate that I have packed away my Superman underwear and called it quits on the phone throwing across campus.

I was also reminded the other day about how frequently we all went to Mexico. And on second thought, not so sure it was all that good of an idea. It was so nonchalant, like no big D. But, seriously. We all met up and walked down the street to the laundromat after hours (when it doubled as Hollywood Ray’s bus tours to Mexico) and hopped on a usually very old bus and headed to the border. They let us out and we walked across as all the signs turned to Spanish only. Then we hopped in cabs and made it to TJ. Like, really? Somehow (and to this day, I really have no idea how we made it safely) we all left the club and made it back to the border, through customs and on the bus by 3 or 4 a.m. Yes, our feet were black and we were way too drunk for our own good, but we made it. And not one of us got arrested or put in jail. (Michelle got questioned once, but hey, that happens when you decide to drop trou mid-customs and pee on the carpet.) And I lost $20 once to pay off the cops outside of Club Safari, but that’s it! I just can’t believe we made it out alive.

Maybe someone is looking out for us after all. That’s why they split us up.

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